@ally2ava There's always one lmao. He has explained and responded to this countless times, including in this podcast episode.
Listen to those more so than my own framing, but basically...Excessive attention to filtering himself would subtract from and thus effectively cheapen the message because THAT would inhibit vocalization of the raw truth of the cost and process behind that which the podcast and inquiry centers on here.
Focus is on the reality and relaying that, full stop. Interjecting a priority of 'OK, but no curse words!' - would potentially compromise that to some (slight or more) degree. No matter how infinitesimal the degree, Goggins is not the type to compromise the truth of his experience, process, path, associated cost of that ("what it took/takes"), etc. and this ironically is augmented by the fact he wants it to be as helpful to others as practically possible and, probabilistically, a key component to ensuring that is to AVOID filtering the raw signal from its source so to speak.
Anyway, difficult to explain off the cuff in text but again he himself has addressed this so many, many times.
Besides, with all the actual threats, travesties, harms and everything we bring upon ourselves and which external life exposes us to, I can never understand why vocal symbols like curse words are allegedly so 'heinous' to some people. Like, c'mon
How about you demonstrate something like he has and communicate it better without feeling like you're compromising integrity and axiological emphasis of what is being expressed