Jesus tells me in heart intuition about sickness & illness….
From a cold, to surgeries, heart/brain diagnosis issues, accidents, injuries, to even diagnosed terminal cancers… etc etc you get a health situation & life brought to a halt to see, what you are avoiding, truths you aren’t dealing with, what needs to be processed, you’ve been given the time.
Accidents/injuries could be a symbol of you are being guided towards a different path, if it’s scripted also.
You could be avoiding traumas destined, understanding them unique for an individual holding them back, so not being free, or just having to feel how they are destined to emotionally, if they just have to be, when God has you to feel it will be so.
Could also be yes avoiding life experience they need, so staying repressed to knowing it or living it, e.g. sexuality truth experiences & they might be sexually repressed & don’t have clarity in that sexual truth, or not connected to that sexuality, just not connected to that humanness.
Breast cancer=women stop feeling women or not connected to their sexuality & that humanness, or never were, i saw that in my family, my mum married a male into males but got married anyway, then the stepfather is on the fence with his sexuality too, not truly getting clarity from lived experience, which is common in society.
Mum was a nun in a past life too, so hasn’t been connected to her sexuality for a very loooooooong time.
So she met the mirror of my stepfather sexually repressed too.. he was a royal in another life, so he did a bit of everything sexually so affects his soul now in his karma.
Like with me, i was roman in a lifetime, that was my soul karma this life, very very sexual again in this lifetime. But I had the balls to live & found out with guy experiences sexually, I never desired them & were always regret/guilt/shame degrading satan inspired experiences. I only had Godly sexual desire & satisfaction/content/joy feelings with women who i was sexually into attracted to for sex.
So Jesus has shown me not to “degrading” feels sell my soul in experiences that are not aligned to truth, even with women now.
Even moving on from that, any people in unions, if they need to do something like leave a union/marriage (very short to longer term) if it’s no longer the truth & now a lie, or a job or life choice they are fighting or resisting towards, you know examples like this.
Back pain, issues, taking on the responsibility of someone’s stuff that is not yours also.
Knee & hip is DIRECTION symbology, replacements are e.g. are resisting the God willing life path they need, or fighting their path of truth wanting to do life their freewill way still. My mum & stepdad had knee replacement & hip replacement respectively, recently only since they retired. So yes with my e.g.’s you could see what they have resisted in their life paths & instead tried to stick to life their way!!!!
Even people that stay stuck hiding in the mind & get societies label “dementia” symptoms is not connected to heart & soul, not exposing their soul, not connected to soul, heart attacks & brain issues like strokes are this too, avoiding with what needs to be dealt with, not exposing soul & bring to light.
The reality @ a God level, aligned to a persons truth Jesus tells me in heart intuition..what is scripted is for an individual, but who really wants to know me as their best friend to be free, understand the wisdom of what I’m guiding them to see, so they can see & hear, living in truth.
Otherwise in HELL(earth reality experience) people burn in the flames tortured as souls avoiding what needs to be dealt with, so don’t get to live in truth through the flames.